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Tel: 941-304-3400

Fax: 941-866-7648


​​705 10th Avenue W, Suite 103

Palmetto, FL 34221





Land Use and Entitlement  / Real Estate, Business and Entrepreneurs  ​/  Commercial Litigation and Appeals


Vogler Ashton

is committed to the efficient resolution of complex matters, all with focused, personal, and immediate attention. We understand our clients’ business interests, approach, and goals, and stand side-by-side with each client to strategize and implement effective resolutions. We are unique problem solvers and recognize that changing times require nimble and flexible responses across all legal disciplines. While we remain grounded in the fundamental elements of a transactional legal practice, we are also active in the entire continuum of dispute resolution – negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, and appeal. We remain with you from the beginning to the end of each matter for seamless, experienced, comprehensive, and responsive legal assistance.

Latest Insights

The Attorneys at Vogler Ashton have participated in a variety of interesting and challenging matters over the years and have used their skill, experience, and client-focused, problem-solving approach to achieve positive results in the following representative matters:

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In The Media

The Attorneys at Vogler Ashton periodically make news in connection with their work and community involvement. Please click the links below to see some of the newsworthy matters of interest:

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Representative Clients Profile

Vogler Ashton represents active and involved entrepreneurs in small, mid-sized and large business environments. The distinguishing characteristic of our clients is that they are intimately involved in all aspects of their business decision-making, including the evaluation of legal advice and the collaborative communication with counsel. We work closely together to identify legal issues and use the power of our collective experience to design and implement solutions. It is refreshing to know that your attorney is trusted, knows your business, and can communicate clear and effective strategies for seizing available opportunities or solving vexing and complicated problems.

The Attorneys at Vogler Ashton are effective, efficient, and credible. We are hands-on, client-focused, problem solvers. If you are an entrepreneur that requires collaborative and highly skilled legal assistance contact us at 941-388-9400 or contact Vogler Ashton online.

Office Hours

Our office is open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we are available after hours as necessary. We are also prepared to visit your office or business site when you need us. For experienced real estate, entrepreneurial, land use, development, and dispute resolution matters, call 941-304-3400 or contact Vogler Ashton, PLLC online.


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